Saturday, July 15, 2006

Starting over

Welcome to Atlas Slouched (title subject to change).

This is my third attempt at a blog and my first at Blogger, previous blogs meeting untimely ends at the beginning of relationships: As love blossoms, drama decreases. And then in a moment of weakness or intimacy (My exes would say I see no difference between the two. They might be right.) you reveal that you keep a journal and then self-censorship sets in and slowly posting drops off until the time you spent writing is spent cuddling.

It's a fair trade off until it's not.

Enough reminiscing, I guess. Now for some context:

I'm 29. Male. Brooklynite. Obviously single and a little bitter about love. Gay. Music fan. Working in the convergence of print and new media. Currently under the sway of Ayn Randian objectivism after a lifetime of neosocialist secular humanism.

Some nuance: I prefer Magnetic Fields to Madonna but would rather listen to Sufjan. I like Phoenix much more than XL but am more likely to be found at Urge any given happy hour. I'm more Cherry Grove than the pines but am spending my summer vacation in a cabin in seattle, praying for a cozy perpetual light drizzle.

and I don't really believe in anything but i'm a little obsessed with beauty and coincidences. They give me hope for meaning in a world that sometimes seems pointless and a little cruel.

Don't tell ayn.

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